
Boosting Medication Adherence with Contact Center Solutions

Every year, millions of prescriptions go unfilled, and countless patients skip or misuse their medications. This widespread medication non-adherence worsens health conditions, leads to avoidable hospital visits, and drives up healthcare costs. Despite advances in modern medicine, the simple act of taking prescribed medications remains a significant hurdle.

The solution might come from an unexpected source: innovative contact center strategies. These approaches are helping insurers and healthcare organizations bridge the gap with patient-centered solutions.

The Scope of the Problem

Medication non-adherence statistics reveal shocking trends:

  • 20 to 30% of new prescriptions are never filled.
  • Patients fail to take medications as prescribed 50% of the time.
  • Non-adherence contributes to 30–50% of hospitalizations and 25% of emergency department visits.
  • An estimated $300 billion in unnecessary medical expenses could be saved each year in addition to saving tens of thousands of lives.

Why Do Patients Struggle with Adherence?

Before tackling this issue, we took the time to better understand the trends. Key barriers to adherence include:

  • Forgetting to refill prescriptions.
  • Uncertainty about side effects or usage.
  • Financial constraints.
  • Medication was discontinued without the patient being advised on alternatives.

How Contact Centers Drive Change

Contact centers are uniquely positioned to tackle these challenges head-on. By blending advanced technology with a human touch, they create solutions that prioritize patient needs and healthcare outcomes.

Working with one of the largest national healthcare providers, we developed a proprietary management strategy to target members who needed assistance filling lapsed prescriptions, and increased medication adherence to promote healthier living. Here’s how:

  • Proactive Outreach & Reminders: Outbound dialing strategies target patients with lapsed prescriptions, reminding them to refill or renew medications.
  • Automated Tools: Advanced IVR systems provide reminders and route patients to appropriate support effortlessly.
  • Warm Transfers: Our team seamlessly connects patients needing additional guidance to medical professionals.
  • Convenience-Focused Options: Services like auto-renewals and mail-order prescriptions remove common barriers to adherence.
  • Bilingual and HIPAA-Compliant Support: Ensures comfort, confidentiality, and HIPAA compliance for diverse patient populations.

Proven Results in Medication Adherence

At Avantive Solutions, our innovative programs have delivered measurable results:

  • Processed over 840,000 prescription referrals in just 12 months.
  • Contacted 14–16 patients per hour, exceeding client expectations.
  • Achieved pharmacy transfer rates of up to 36%, surpassing goals.
  • Improved Medicare STARS ratings, showcasing enhanced patient outcomes.
  • Reduced Average Handle Time (AHT) to 135 seconds, ensuring efficiency and satisfaction.

Future Where Everyone Wins

With the right tools, outreach, and support, insurers and healthcare providers can make significant strides in improving outcomes, reducing costs, and driving better health outcomes. By focusing on patient needs and leveraging contact center solutions, healthcare services can align with the Department of Health’s goal of delivering care that is accessible, affordable, and impactful.

Improve medication adherence with Avantive Solutions. Contact us today to transform your strategy and start delivering better outcomes.

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